Friday, November 5, 2010

A full year.

So apparently, I'm not very good at blogging. I used to be. Like two years ago. But I guess it's never too late to start over, yeah?

As I looked back on the my blogs from two years ago, it really hits me just how much I have changed. Especially over the last year. 2010 was... well... exciting. This Thanksgiving it will be one year since I made the decision to come out and live the "lifestyle" of a gay man. As much as I hate that term, it fits I suppose. I am now happier than I ever have been in my life. My relationship with God is more fulfilling. I am living for Him and not for my Bishop. I am making decisions based on whether or not I am happy, rather than whether or not I will be able to pass the sacrament on the coming Sunday.

The past year has been full. Full to the brim of the happiest moments in my life, and the darkest moments in my life. I have stood staring up at the stars, feeling like I could reach out and touch them all. I have sat staring at a bottle of pills, feeling like I could reach out and swallow them all. I wouldn't change the decisions I made for anything. I am such a stronger, happier person today than I was a year ago, six months ago, six days ago. I keep moving up. Which is a good thing. A very good thing.

So this Thanksgiving I am thankful for 2010. For the trials and heartbreaks as well as the fun and laughter. So much can change in a year. So who knows where I will be next Thanksgiving? But for what it's worth, I am happy. And to me, that is all that matters.

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