I guess it's about time I start blogging regularly again. I've been putting it off because I really don't have much to say. My life in Tooele isn't what you would call exciting. In between dead end job interviews and frustrating rehearsals I'm usually found curled up reading in my favorite room in the house. It's the room the rest of my family spends the least amount of time in. This is the reason I like it so much, it's usually empty.
I do spend quite a bit of time reading. I basically flew through the first few Harry Potter books (pausing for only a day to blaze through Patti LuPone's memoir that I couldn't put down). But this last one (The Goblet of Fire) took me a bit longer. I'm taking this as a sign that I need to give JK Rowling a chance to catch her breath. So I got a few memoirs and a novel from my good friend Valerie. I'm stoked. I love memoirs, so I shouldn't have a problem getting through those. The novel is one I've been dying to read for a while: The Princess Bride. I've heard amazing things about it, so I'll start that first thing tomorrow morning.
My quest for employment has failed time and time again. I feel like I've done a thousand job interviews since graduation, and they have all lead me to nothing. I don't know what to do. Keep looking I guess. Looking and praying.
Speaking of prayers, I have good news. After months of worrying and stressing and wondering, I received a nice little envelope from the University of Utah Financial Aide and Scholarships office. Ever since I received my acceptance to the program, there has been a nagging tug in the pit of my stomach that seems to mutter "one of the most expensive schools in the state." But, friends, my prayers have been answered! A scholarship. A GENEROUS scholarship, for even more that I hoped for. My entire tuition for my freshman year is covered. All I have is student fees and books to pay for. What a relief!
So, all in all, my summer has been... okay. I have ups and downs. I don't have good days and bad days. I have good hours and bad hours! I guess thats why they call it manic. In high school, springtime was always the hardest when it came to my depression. But for the last three years, it has been summer that I've had to struggle through. The last two summers were understandable. I had legitimate reasons for the way I felt. But this year I really have no justification for the way I feel sometimes. I guess that is all part of having a mental illness. There doesn't have to be a reason for every mood swing.
But I'm getting there. I'm happy. Thanks mostly to my amazing family and friends (two friends in particular who I get to see at least once a week. Let's just call them my cougars). I just hope August gets here quickly. I'm ready for something new and fresh and alive!
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