Saturday, February 26, 2011


So... I got a cute little envelope in the mail the other day. And that little red "U" in the upper left hand corner was staring me in the face. After noticing the red "U" I was struck by how thin the envelope was. [Here's a hint. When you are expecting news in the mail from a University or Theatre Company, thin envelopes are a bad sign.] But I didn't want to give up hope until I had officially read the words "You suck, we don't want you." ...or something like that. 

After excusing myself to take a moment alone, I slowly opened the enveloped and breathed a sigh of relief as I read the word "Congratulations!"

I made it. I've been accepted. One of the most prestigious and intense acting programs in the West wants me to learn from them. Nothing could wipe this smile off my face.  :]

I still have to be officially accepted into the University. But I'm not worried about that. As long as I have a 2.3 GPA with my Associates Degree I should have no problem being accepted. I just have to pay the 45 dollar application fee. Great.

So between my acceptance to The U and receiving an awesome role in my final show at USU-CEU, my life is pretty good right now. *KNOCK ON WOOD*

Speaking of The Odd Couple, rehearsals are going really well. I get more excited for the show with each rehearsal. You won't want to miss it! I'll post the information about the run of the show on here in a week or two. :]

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Spring Semester > Fall Semester

I am forcing myself to do this. I am so not in the mood to blog, as is probably evident from my lack of posts over the last several weeks. There is so much to talk about I don't even know where to begin. Ok please hold while I make a list of the things I want to blog about. Ok. List is done. Now I can do this without feeling overwhelmed!

To start off, let me just say that this semester is already ten times better than fall semester in every way. I feel like I have a place socially. I have a great group of friends who I never fail to have a blast with. We have "family home evening" every Sunday night as a way to make sure we all get to see each other at least once a week. We play cards, eat junk food, and laugh our butts off. It's amazing.

A Bonding Moment <3

Also, I am so grateful for Lisha, who has been my savior over the last month and a half. She was an amazing assistant Stage Manager and an even better best friend.

I also have an amazing man in my life to be grateful for. Things are never easy, but the trials are definitely worth it. I'm learning to enjoy the moment and not stress so much about tomorrow. Also, he forces me out of my comfort zone on a regular basis, which was one of my new years resolutions.

 The Foreigner was a huge success. It was the first time since coming to Price that I haven't been in a play. But being Stage Manager was a welcome challenge. I had an amazing time. The cast was amazing, the crew was wonderful (for the most part) and all in all the show went off without a hitch! ...kind of. ;]

We just began rehearsals for The Odd Couple. I've been cast as Oscar Madison. The slob. I'm stoked! This will be my first "lead" in quite sometime. So I am welcoming the attention. ;] But I'm also nervous. This role is going to be a HUGE challenge for me. I've never played a character like Oscar before. He's so different then me. We both have a love for life and laughter. But his physicality and attitude is going to be hard to grasp. But I'm welcoming the challenge. I've decided I'm going to work as hard as I possibly can and do my best. I have a feeling I'm going to learn a lot over the next few weeks. STOKED!

I have found some new music that I am sharing with everyone who will take three minutes to listen to a song. Kerrigan-Lowdermilk is a team  of composers who write musicals and song cycles. There music is a fantastic blend of showtune and pop. So good! I have been a fan of their most successful song "Run Away With Me" for a few years. But it wasn't until I heard my new favorite song "Five and a Half Minutes" that I decided this was a composer I wanted to investigate. I just bought there debut album Our First Mistake a few weeks ago and I have only good things to say about it. There isn't a song on the album that didn't speak to me as a young adult and an artist. I love this album!

I still haven't heard anything conclusive from The U. But I am still hopeful. I got an email that they needed my home address, so I'm hoping that means they are sending my acceptance letter soon! Trying desperately not to get my hopes up. But I can't help myself! The audition was amazing. I had such a good time. I loved the atmosphere, the students and the professors. And I think I made a very good impression. :D

This blog is getting pretty lengthy so I'll wrap up soon. But I just wanted to give a shout out to a new blog I have recently stumbled on that I love! Born This Way is "a photo/essay project for gay adults (of all genders) to submit childhood pictures and stories, reflecting the memories and early beginnings of their innate LGBT selves." It's a funny, touching and poignant blog for anyone who feels that gay adults were indeed "born this way." 

So... that's my life. K bye.... XD